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ZB 16 - Dynamics of nanocrystal structure induced by surface chemistry (Z.Kaszkur)


Fritz Haber Institute of the Max-Planck-Society

The cooperation aiming at merger of the in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy with the developed by us XRD technique of nanopowder diffraction. Peeping at atomistic mechanisms of chemical reactions in heterogenous catalysis requires in situ insight into microscopic and nanoscopic structure, its dynamics and linking the nanoscopic properties with the net outcome of the reaction. TEM meets then fundamental requirement to visualize the atomic environment that is representative for the catalyst. Our diffraction technique may monitor the reaction in a long run detecting occuring phenomena of surface reconstruction, subtle phase transitions, changes in average crystal morphology, surface segregation etc. The results can be a valuable hint for in situ TEM as to physico-chemical conditions to be employed in attempt to visualize the most interesting phenomena in atomic scale.

On the German side the cooperation involves dr. Thomas Lunkenbein of Department of Inorganic Chemistry (head) and dr. Marc Georg Willinger (former head), Electron Microscopy Group.

Currently our PhD student MSc Eng Maciej ZieliƄski is visiting the FHI group in the frame of DAAD scholarship (2 months) being trained in in situ TEM techniques.