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ZB 02 - Group of molecular films research (W. Kutner) - closed by 31th December 2018


Electrochemical detection in liquid flow analytical techniques: Characterization and classification (IUPAC technical report)

Author(s): Tóth K. and Štulík K. and Kutner W. and Fehér Z. and Lindner E.
Title: Electrochemical detection in liquid flow analytical techniques: Characterization and classification (IUPAC technical report)
Pages: 1119-1138
Journal: Pure and Applied Chemistry
Volume: 76
Year: 2004
URL: http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid2-s2.0-4043135098&partnerID40&md5aaca883444fb4a29aba382ae46f9baad