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ZB 02 - Group of molecular films research (W. Kutner) - closed by 31th December 2018

Our recent funding

We would like to acknowladge the following institutions for their financial support of our reseach:

2005-2007 | The Polish Academy of Science and Russian Academy of Science, to Prof. Wlodzimierz Kutner (Polish Principal Investigator)

Grant, entitled: "Synthesis and property investigation of low-dimensional carbon structures" funded within the Agreement on Scientific Excha... read more ≫

2004-2006 | Ministry of Science and Education of Poland, 0127/T09/2004/26, to Prof. Wlodzimierz Kutner

"Otrzymywanie i właściwości molekularnych warstw diad donorowo-akceptorowych wybranych metaloporfiryn i adduktów fulerenowych.", 3T09... read more ≫

2004-2006 | The Polish Committee for Scientific Research, No. 3T09A 01026, to Prof. Wlodzimierz Kutner

PhD Supervisor Grant of the Polish Committee for Scientific Research No. 3T09A 01026, IPC PAS, Warsaw, 2004-2006 (Principal Investigator). read more ≫

2002-2005 | The Polish Committee for Scientific Research, No. 4T09A16023, to Prof. Wlodzimierz Kutner

Research Grant of the Polish Committee for Scientific Research No. 4T09A16023, IPC PAS, Warsaw, 2002-2005 (Principal Investigator). read more ≫