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ZB 10 - Soft Condensed Matter (R. Holyst)

We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!


Hou Sen


*  2000   Awarded the Second–Class Scholarship of Nankai University

*  2001   Awarded the Third–Class Scholarship of Nankai University

*  2004   Awarded the Outstanding dissertation of Nankai University

*  2005   Awarded the Third–Class Scholarship of Nankai University

*  2006   Awarded the Third–Class Scholarship of Nankai University

*  2007   Awarded the Second–Class Scholarship of Nankai University

*  2008   Awarded the First–Class Scholarship of Nankai University Sponsored by Baoshan Iron and Steel Company

*  2008   Awarded Merit Student of Nankai University

*  2012  Awarded winner of "Young researchers IPC PAS" "Młodzi badacze IChF PAN"

*  2013  Awarded winner of stypendium naukowego dla wybitnego mlodego naukowca” “scholarship for an outstanding young scientist” 

     2014  Awarded winner of “zadowalajaca” excellent staff of Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences

2016  Awarded winner of "Young researchers IPC PAS" "Młodzi badacze IChF PAN"