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ZB 10 - Soft Condensed Matter (R. Holyst)

We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are different, but we all do great Science; and we have a lot of fun doing it!


Krzysztof Szczepański


PhD student.

Graduated in 2013 from Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk (Poland). Reasarch was focused on storage reserves metabolism in tubers of plant Cyperus esculentus. Currently responsible for work of Mammalian Cell Culture Laboratory and involved in work on structure of cytoplasm in human cells.